interior design

Design Styles by Tammy Gammerman

Oh My, I haven’t done this in a while…. life gets really hectic and I find it difficult to take some time to write. But today I have a fun topic that I want to share with you!

When I was in college, about 20 years ago, I think we were taught that there were 4 design styles:

Traditional, Transitional, Modern and Contemporary.

Over the years, more styles got added such as eclectic, glam, mid century modern, coastal and more. And today I saw a new partial list, super basic- haha:

Modern farmhouse, Modern eclectic, New traditional (this one I happen to enjoy in the moment), California casual, Industrial, Rustic, Global, Scandinavian, Glam, Coastal, French country,…. and the list goes on.

My feeling is that most of us can’t fit into one box, we tend to mix a few. I for once, often mix in order to get the right “recipe” for each and every client- and I believe this is the magic recipe.

I tend to not follow trends, but I like to add them in the form of accessories, smaller objects, sometime art that is not that expensive, because otherwise it gets boring or you get bored of it very fast.

So this month’s tip for you is:

You don’t have to fit into a design box- mix a few, make your own recipe, and have a space that trully feels authentic to you!

Happy April, and see you soon!

Are you moving to Miami? by Tammy Gammerman

What a crazy year… So many changes, the world got upside down!

I’m based in Miami and I see a big trend happening right now! More and more people are moving to Miami, coming from New York, California, and more. I get them! I really do! What makes them want the change?

I think the fact that we are “opened for business” and have been for the past few months is gamechanger. Also the fact that I think there’s common sense and room for individuality here.

I would like to share with you a few tips I have if you are looking for a new place to call home in Miami.

1- Location, location, location.

  • Figure out where you fit. Do you want to be walking distance to stores, etc?

  • Now that Miami is your place, do you need to be by the beach?

  • If you have kids, what schools interest you? I recommend being near the school…

  • If you didn’t adhere to home office, can you live closer to work?

  • Do you belong to a congregation and want to be part of that group?

  • How much do you want to spend? Are you renting or buying?

2- Make the space feel like your own:

  • Now, here I can help! Are you renting? Want a quick fix up so that the space is warm and inviting?

  • Are you buying? There are many process you have to be familiar as far as permits and renovation that I’m happy to help you with.

  • Adapt your style to the coastal/relax vibe. Your house will look diferent and that is ok. Embrace the change! It could be good for you!

  • Hire help. It is faster and cheaper to work with professionals that are familiar with burocracies when you decide it’s time to take the leap of faith.

3- Embrace the change. Change is often good and opens up new horizons and new opportunities!

Remember, I’m here to help along the process!

Wishing you a great weekend,


Tammy Gammerman.

Best of Houzz 2020! by Tammy Gammerman

I opened my email today and had a wonderful surprise!

I won best of Houzz 2020! It means a lot to me because it is based on my client’s review’s and experiences, so in the end, it validates that my hard work paid off and that I’m doing something right ! (I know I am, but it is always nice to feel it from my clients and to view it from their perspective.)

I’d like to thank all of you, dear clients, future clients and you that validate my work and follows me! This is what it is all about.

Happy valentine day and happy weakend!!

XoXo…. Tammy

Tammy Gammerman in Aventura, FL on Houzz

What flooring should you consider for your house? by Tammy Gammerman

Lets start by saying this is my opinion, and everyone is entitled to their own. No judgements!

I believe in practicality. There's no point in me recommending a beautuful marble floor to a client who tells me they want a mantenance free floor or that there are small kids in the house. I want my projects to look good when I just finalize them, but also to last for a long time!

I'll break it down by main focus, so here it is:

You don't have pets or small kids in the house and wants a more classic floor to last you a long time? I'd recommend a natural stone- marble, limestrone, etc. You'll have to seal it every year or two depending on foot traffic and usage, but you can always polish it to remove some of the scratches and it adds nice value to the property.

You want a more cozy floor, because let's face it, some of us love walking barefoot! You've got a couple of choices:

  1. Hardwood floor is a great option, since it can be sanded and refinished but it can be expensive and it might not work in some climates. Here in Florida with high humidity levels, the boards move a lot and it can be very tricky to keep them looking good. Its easier to make them work for condos but really hard for houses. Also, I don't reccoment it for the kitchen.

  2. Engineered wood is a great option- more reliable then hardwood because it has a mdf layer underneath the wood veneer, and it can be sanded a couple of times if needed. Its middle range in price. Cost benefit, a great option!

  3. Laminate floor can be tricky. Its a great budget friendly option, but you have to be careful with the thickness. They tend to be inexpensive, but I wouldn't recommend a plank that is under 6mm. The truth is, I've used it personally and chose a 12mm plank. Its equivalent to an engeneer board in my opinion, but there's a catch- it cannot be sanded. I would recommend using a distressed or more rustic option.

Then you have Porcelain tiles. My newest obsession! I love them. There are so many options to choose from! From classic looking ones (such as marble, limestrone) to edgier options (concrete and patterns), to wood looking ones! You can recreate your favorate look with a good upside: No maintenance, long lasting results! 

Often times I'll recommend usign a couple of these options, especially for two story houses, and as I mentioned in the beggining, It all depends in the unique nature of my clients needs.

Until next post.....

Tammy Gammerman